How to book a place on our online social events
To book onto an online social event, please email carersupport@bcpcouncil.gov.uk and let us know which events you would like to join. We will reply to confirm if you have a place, these are offered on a first come, first served basis.
When the event is due to start, we will email you an invitation and a link to join. We will also provide a password that you will need to join the meeting.
You will be prompted to either download Zoom or join using your browser and then taken through a few steps to join the meeting.
If you are new to Zoom and have any questions about how Zoom works, email us beforehand and we will try our best to answer them.
Please note: There are some data protection considerations surrounding Zoom which means that the security of any infromation disclosed during a social even cannot be guaranteed. For thi reason, please do not talk about any personal issues you or the person you care for may have and do not give out any personal details. By keeping to these guidelines we will be able to safely carry on holding social events for usall to enjoy. If you do have any personal concerns you need to discuss, please contact the Carer Support Service.