Carer's assessment
As a carer you are entitled to a carer's assessment. You can have an assessment even if the person you care for refuses social care services.
A carer's assessment is a conversation with a professional social care worker about how being a carer affects you and the way you are able to live your life. It's an opportunity to make sure you have all the information you need and a chance to find out about the services and support that could help you in your caring role. It can be done at a time and in a place that suits you (away from the person you are caring for, if you prefer).
A Carer's Assessment is:
- voluntary - you have a right to have an assessment, and it can help you to get support, but it is also your choice to say if you want one
- recorded - we ask you to sign the assessment to show you know about, and agree with it, recording also means we can get back in touch to check if your situation has changed
- confidential - it will only be used to work out how we can help you
- free - it is a time to tell you about what support is free and what you may be asked to pay for
A Carer's Assessment is not:
- a judgement on how well you are providing care
- going to make your caring role more official, so you will be expected to do more
- an obligation for you to accept services that you are offered
- shared with other organisations without your permission and knowledge
- a financial assessment leading to Carers Allowance funding (although you may be advised about benefits and entitlements you may apply for)
- a form you have to fill in on your own - a worker from Adult Social Care can help you
If your situation changes
If your situation changes after you have had an assessment you can ask for a review.
Request a carer's assessment
If you care for someone in Dorset, call Carer Support Dorset on 0800 368 8349 or email